Preparing For Easter During COVID

Preparing my heart for this Holy Week started way too late!  A couple days ago, I realized I had not been preparing my heart for the Holy Week as I normally do.  I almost forgot Easter was coming.  Palm Sunday, Passover, Good Friday and Easter Sunday are all things I have held near and dear to my heart as a follower of Jesus for as long as I can remember.

And then I started mourning my years of Easter Tradition.  What were we going to do to make Easter a special day of celebration?

A fun Easter 2 years ago with the Hogan Trio in Huntsville, AL.

I’m not one to just have a feeling and not take action.  So, I started thinking and having discussions with my family about how we were going to make this week special.  And then as I was planning, I realized that maybe there were others that also felt let down.  Maybe someone else needed to make their own plans to make this week special.  So, here I am sharing – ha!

This year we are going to celebrate a Symbolic Passover Meal, take time mid-day on Friday to remember Jesus’ suffering by reading scripture and listening to some somber music, and celebrate a risen Christ together on Sunday with a PARTAAAAY!!!  (here’s where I admit that Palm Sunday got a brief mention yesterday – it didn’t get celebrated as it should have)

Sunday morning we will take time in the written Word, listening to and joining in with songs on Spotify, we will celebrate with the Lord’s supper, dancing (because we are Hogans and dance parties are a part of life), and just celebrating with FUN found in the Freedom of Christ.  We will find an open space for JUST US!  We will have a picnic, play games, and have FUN with thankful hearts.

I’ll share my Seder dinner plans in another post in case anyone else wants to do something similar this week themselves.  But in short, we are taking a simple plan of remembering the Passover meal that was a tradition in Jesus’ life remembering God’s grace for His people.

On another note, if you find yourself reading this and you don’t even know what Palm Sunday, Passover, Good Friday, or Easter are about, well, let’s talk 🙂  I realize this post is really only going to be understood by people who get this whole “christianeze” thing, and I love answering questions 🙂 So ask away!

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